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Mirror !


      Dear visitor,
      Since the Sindbad data base contains a great number of Internet resources and the system of their ties with each other is quite complicated, we pay special attention to the development of convenient means of navigation and representation of data. To our mind, the search for information in the Sindbad catalogue is even simpler and more convenient than in case of working with a usual hierarchic catalogue. But since your have already come here, we have some business yet to be done :))
      On this page we will disclose in detail the specific features of work with our catalogue. If you happen to have some questions, ask us and we with pleasure answer them.
      Good luck in your search!

  • What is Sindbad?
  • Navigation by the current page
  • Navigation by the pages of the catalogue
  • Navigation by the catalogue's sites
  • Introduction, modification of resources
  • Support of many languages
  • Graphic notation (Icons)
  • Color highlighting
  • Modification of output
  • Information search
  • Expanded search
  • Work with a pocket

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    Navigation by the current page
          In the beginning of the first page of each subject heading we usually place a title which contains the most important information about the section, a menu, buttons for switching over the language and codes, and the latest news. Actually, the very page is right below the title which sometimes may run over the whole screen, especially if your computer has low resolution. If you rather active with the section, you, as a rule, do not need the title, and for that reason we placed in the right part of the navigation panel buttons of fast switch-over right [bottom of page] to the beginning of the page or [beginning of page] its end and there, in turn, a button to return [top of title] to the beginning of the title. Besides, there is an option [Conceal/Show title] which helps to move automatically right to the list of resources, skipping the upper part of the page, which makes your traveling by the web of our navigator more convenient.

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    Navigation by the catalogue's pages
          Each page has a menu which contains buttons of fast switch-over to the main sections of our site. We made a button for convenience of returning to the root subject heading [].
          Since a subject heading may contain an unlimited number of resources, it may be divided into pages. By default, each page contains 50 resources (this parameter may be changed, if necessary) and if a subject heading contains a million resources, it will be divided into 20,000 pages. The greater the number of resources in the current section, the mightier the navigation panel that will be located on the pages of this section.
          If the panel is a "complete form", it will look like this:
    first of page -1000 pages -100 pages -10 pages -5 pages -4 pages -3 pages -2 pages previous page bottom of pageMaintop of title next page +2 pages +3 pages +4 pages +5 pages +10 pages +100 pages +1000 pages last of page
    in this case convenient navigation is ensured within the current page as well as the possibility of fast switch-over to more remote regions, say, the button [+1000 pages] will switch you over to a page which is 1,000 pages from the current one, that is, by 50,000 resources!
          The panel also has buttons for switching over to the first [first of pages] and last [last of pages] pages of the section and a button to return to the root section [Main] of the catalogue.

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    Navigation by sites of the catalogue
          The pages of the catalogue of Sindbad resources are located on different sites of the World Web. For instance, an automobile catalogue may be located on the Moscow server while the catalogue of sports resources on the Chicago server but you should not trouble to choose the necessary URL-Sindbad knows what and where is located in it. Possibly, you will notice the change in the server in the window of your browser. But you may as well not notice-as regards you, the data base is single as if it were wholly on your computer. However, such a "diffusion" of the catalogue all around the world is designed not only to redistribute the disk and processor load between the servers, not only to ensure rapid access to the base resources by creating mirrors for the most popular sections of the catalogue but also to increase drastically the reliability of access to the data. Each our page has a button of transition [] to the mirror of the current page. Therefore, even if the server on which the information you are interested in is inaccessible, you will always be able to reach it by the parallel ring of sites.

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    Introduction, modification of resources
          On each page of our site in the left upper corner you will see a block of buttons which are designed for you participation on the formation of the Sindbad catalogue. First of all, it is of course the button [Add URL] Add Resource (URL). You merely fill in the form that appears and send it to us. If you want, you may specify the section(s) in which the resource you introduce should be located (by default, the program suggests a current section from which the form was called). In some time (it may take several days because the resource should be included in the Sindbad data base and undergo a number of checks, in particular, to be processed by the subject heading) it will appear in the catalogue in respective subject headings in the relevant language(s).
          Apart from that button, you may use other buttons of editing [Edit URL] to edit the descriptions of the existing resources, [Delete URL] remove resources, [Add rubric] add, [Edit rubric] edit or [Delete rubric] remove sections. The final decision what proposal of yours should be implemented belongs to us:))
          Attention! We plan to change the work with the panel of editing by changing it only with one button. Nevertheless, all existing opportunities of editing will be preserved to be added with new ones: introduction of key words (that is, request to select material from the data base that has not yet been done) and addition/removal of ties between the existing subject headings. Of course, we would be thankful to receive your comments and remarks.

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    Support of many languages
          In the right upper corner you will see buttons for switching over the languages using which you can switch over to an analogue of the page in another language. In the left upper corner there are buttons for switching over the codes (for the Russian language). When you switch into Russian the text is brought about in Win-1251 as the most popular code among the customers of our site. If you want to fill up the description of your resource in another language, except Russian and English, write to us and it is more likely we will meet your requirement. It is true we have not worked with hieroglyphs but never mind we will try :))

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    Graphic notation (Icons)
          Since the Sindbad catalogue contains a tremendous amount of information it is specially important it will be interpreted promptly and vividly and for that reason the requirements to the functions of pages are extremely rigid. All images are references, all elements of design (the color and form of an icon, the color and form of fonts, and even the color of the background and elements' mutual disposition) should bear a conceptual load. The elements of the design should not distract the user from work with the catalogue and, at the same time, they should effectively help him in his search for the information required. Thus, animation is prohibited, the use of images as a background is not allowed, a too bright or too dark background is forbidden, the use of a great number of color is prohibited, the use of large and contrast images is also prohibited. The pallet uses only soft and calm colors, preferable bleak.
          Icons that are located nearby each resource are references to similar information about the resource (so far, not yet realized), hint (ALT) of the image contains IP address of the server which contains the resource, the form and color of the icon should be interpreted in the following way:
    • the type of the resource is characterized by the form of the icon:
   - site, - page,
      and so on [picture (photograph), program, document, audio, video, file, archive, catalogue, ...]
    • the quality of a resource (functional, esthetic, ... from the point of view of the administrator of the subject heading) is preset by the color of the most visible area of the icon:
            .. - no information,
      .. - usual resource,
      .. - good resource,
      .. - excellent resource,
        .. - bad resource,
      .. - disputable resource,
      .. - reconstruction,
      .. - no access.

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    Color highlighting
    Sorry, the section is in the process of elaboration, visit us in a couple of days or so.

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    Modification of output
          Within certain limits you can change the catalogue's output using switches under the search line.
    [Show/Conceal empty subject headings]
    Some sections may not have any resource (started with the purpose of filling them in later or those which have not yet been deleted). By default, such subject headings are not shown and you can see them by setting the switch into the position [Show empty subject headings].
    [Show/Conceal resources of all languages]
    This switch allows you to see resources whose language does not correspond to the current language, that is, using the regime [Show resources of all languages], you will bring onto the page all resources of this subject heading regardless of the language.
    [Conceal/Show title]
    For convenience of traveling around the navigator web there is an opportunity to move automatically right to the list of resources omitting the upper part of the page (regime [Conceal title]). For manual transition there is a button By the Beginning of the Page (see Help section Navigation by the current page).

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    Information search
    Sorry, the section is being elaborated.

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    Expanded search
    Sorry, the section is being elaborated.

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    Work with the pocket
    Sorry, the section is being elaborated.

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    Vladimir Rybinkin, 05/18/2000